The Courage to Jump
“Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down” – Kobi Yamada
This has been my favorite quote for as long as I can remember. I bought a cardboard magnet with this quote when I was in graduate school about a hundred years ago. It’s tattered and torn, having survived moves between apartments, across state lines, between multiple houses… you get the idea.
It’s taken me YEARS to actually take a leap and build my wings. I’ve always been one to play it safe and do the reasonable, responsible thing. In some ways, that’s a really great quality – to be reasonable and responsible. But, by playing it safe, I think I was denying myself the opportunity to see what I could REALLY accomplish. I was denying myself the opportunity to see just how strong and beautiful my wings can be. Until now.
I’m a mental health therapist and I’ve always worked for organizations where I was guaranteed work and a paycheck – a stable and steady career. And that fit part of my personality well BUT… there’s this other side of me (I am a Gemini, by the way) that has always wanted to go into business for myself. I’ve dreamed about how to do that since I was a child. But I never had the courage to take that leap.
Courage is funny. People think you have to wait to have courage to do hard things, but that’s not the way it works. Courage is BUILT – like those wings in my favorite quote – the more you do hard things, the more courage you develop. I’m learning that now as I build my own business: WellSpace Counseling. The more I do hard things – things that scare me, things I didn’t think I could do, the more courage I have to keep going and conquer new things, and soar to new heights.
I invite you to come along with me and explore these new heights through these posts in “The Well Space.” Sometimes, I’ll talk about what’s on my mind (like this post), sometimes, I’ll have a guest blogger talk about what sets their soul on fire, sometimes I’ll share information about mental health and wellness. Who knows where we will go as we build our wings?
Looking forward to our journey together!