30-Day Gratitude Challenge

“The little things?  The little moments?  They aren’t little.”  - John Kabat-Zinn


It’s that time of year:  Gratitude season.  Everywhere you turn, you see people listing what they are thankful for.  This is a great activity to do, as research supports that counting your blessings is good for your mental health.  People who consciously think about what they are thankful for tend to be less depressed and report being happier.

We all struggle and have difficulties in life, but making a choice to focus on what’s good helps to shift our attention away from negative emotions and difficult situations that we naturally experience.  Research also shows that the effect of gratitude is cumulative – it grows much as a snowball does when rolling down a hill.  So the more often you cultivate a mindset of gratitude, the happier you will be.

 To help cultivate this mindset of gratitude, I’ve put together a “30-Day Gratitude Challenge” that lists one activity for each day of November that can help us increase our awareness of the blessings in our life.  I’ll post the whole list here, then will follow up each day on my Facebook page (WellSpace Counseling) with that day’s activity.  I invite you to join me and share your successes as we work to become more aware of the little things and little moments that are all around us.

Be Well,



WellSpace Counseling’s 30-day Gratitude Challenge


1.    Thank one person in your life today

2.    Give a compliment to two people today

3.    List three things about yourself that you like

4.    Take a walk and notice 4 things that are beautiful

5.    List 5 foods that you enjoy

6.    Try a gratitude meditation

7.    Do a random act of kindness for someone today

8.    List 2 things you are grateful for that money can’t buy

9.    Leave a compliment on someone’s social media page

10. List one thing you are grateful for that is connected to each of your 5 senses

11. Post something positive on your own social media

12. Post a glowing review for a business that you love

13. Write down one thing you are looking forward to

14. List 3 things that made you laugh or smile today

15. Write about a memory that is important to you

16. Look at your photos and find 3 of your favorites

17. Eat something mindfully today

18. Call or text someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while

19. Spend 10 minutes practicing self-care

20. Recognize 2 things you usually take for granted

21. Describe your favorite place in the world

22. List one skill you are proud of

23. Think of one challenge you have faced, and what lesson(s) you learned as a result

24. Listen to one of your favorite songs.  Vibe accordingly.

25. List one thing about your body that you are grateful for

26. Think about something you created that you are proud of

27. Descibe a tradition that you look forward to

28. Think about a memory from your childhood that makes you happy

29. Think about someone who was helpful during a trying time you’ve had

30. Think about one personality trait of your own that you are proud of.



The Courage to Jump