
The sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it’s here is up to us. Journey wisely. — Henry David Thoreau

Welcome to WellSpace Counseling, I’m so glad you are here! Whether you are just starting your wellness journey or looking to get back on track, I am here to help you along your way. Life can be hard at times – like when a storm rolls in and the waves are hitting hard — but you don’t need to walk through it alone.

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My name is Elizabeth Rychcik and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 17 years of experience.

I love nothing more than a sunset at the beach. I feel calm, grounded, and connected to something much larger than myself. It’s my “well space.” I want to bring this same experience to my clients, which is why I created WellSpace Counseling; a space where you can feel calm, grounded and connected.

WellSpace Counseling is also a space to get support and validation for your feelings and struggles; a space to learn new coping skills to help you navigate life’s difficulties; a space to process difficult emotions; a space to rediscover the strengths that you may have forgotten you have; a space that is safe and supportive where you can heal, grow and improve your overall mental health and wellness. I look forward to working with you.

Be well, Elizabeth

CLICK HERE to begin your wellness journey!


  • Psychotherapy | Adults

    Adulting can be a lot of work, especially in today’s chaotic world.

  • Psychotherapy | Teens

    For teens ages 14-17 who need help with the many issues facing kids today.

  • Career Counseling | Adults

    Rediscover your passion and translate it into a rewarding career.

  • Career Counseling | HS or College

    How to plan for your future by examining personal interests & goals.

  • Parenting Coaching

    I can help you find your very own parenting style that works for your family.

  • LPC Licensure Supervision

    Supervision to satisfy the LPC Licensure requirement.

 “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to swim.” — Jon Kabat Zimm